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Showing posts from April, 2013

Delivery Poll

When will Georgia and Olive make their big debut? Make your prediction. If you're correct, you win..... the chance to say you were right! :) Your choices: May 1 W May 2 Th May 3 F May 4 Sa May 5 Su May 6 M May 7 T May 8 W May 9 Th May 10 F May 11 Sa May 12 Su May 13 M (induction in the evening) May 14 T (delivery planned) Either post your prediction as a comment on the blog or on the FB post. I'll calculate and share the results. :)

Are You Curious About Twin Pregnancy?

So, as you can see, I am starting a blog. I’ve tried this a few times but always felt like I was trying to relive the “Myspace Notes” days and quit feeling silly.  I am realizing now though that I have something that a lot of people, mainly women, want to know all about- TWINS (pregnancy, delivery, how we’re going to feed, change, clothe, and sleep train them, etc.).  I probably won’t be able to post often once they arrive and my posts won’t be extraordinarily long, but probably too long for a status update on FB.  I know that all pregnant women get asked, “How are you feeling?”, “How is the baby?”, “Are you going to go natural?”, “Can I touch your belly?” and so on. I get asked those questions plus more because twins are a pretty fascinating miracle! I don’t mind the questions or belly rubbing at all! I enjoy it! So for any of you out there wondering what it’s like, here is a list of my twin pregnancy symptoms without too much TMI hopefully. Now, I can’t say that...