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Showing posts from June, 2013

Threat Level Midnight

(Title in honor of the end of The Office the week of the babies’ birth and the fact that I had the babies around midnight- lol) So, it’s taken me awhile to get to the first post since the babies were born.  Things have been a little hectic, as you can probably imagine. This post is just a bit of an update about how things have gone, during the delivery and since. I went into the hospital to be induced at 12:45AM on May 14 th .  I spent the following 23 hours laying in a bed, numb, hungry, tired but too excited to sleep, and listening to women screaming and crying throughout the delivery ward.  I was finally fully dilated and ready to labor at 11:20PM.  They took Tony and me to the operating room.  Tony was a nervous wreck! Because my belly was so hard and I was so numb, no one could tell when I was having contractions. So, I just pushed at random times when I felt like it. It only took about 20 minutes to deliver Georgia.  She was ...