I know that I will continue to add to this list for the rest of my life, but here are some things I’ve realized over the past three months as a new mom. 1. You are never more of a songwriter and singer than when you are changing a poopy diaper. My best friend Anna is going to release an album of all her poop pop hits! 2. A Dove chocolate bar and a Coke Zero from the Target check out lane is a perfectly suitable lunch. 3. Mini vans are the BEES KNEES! Buying a Honda Odyssey may have put me in debt for a few more years, but it also added some years back onto my life with those amazing sliding doors at the click of a button! 4. The fast food drive-thru was invented for mothers of babies, especially ones with multiple babies! 5. Sometimes going to bed hungry is just easier than the process of deciding on, making, and eating dinner with two fussy babies. 6. One of my greatest accomplishments in life (up there with finishing grad school and buy...
grace upon grace.