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The Realizations of a New Mom

I know that I will continue to add to this list for the rest of my life, but here are some things I’ve realized over the past three months as a new mom.

1. You are never more of a songwriter and singer than when you are changing a poopy diaper.  My best friend Anna is going to release an album of all her poop pop hits!

2. A Dove chocolate bar and a Coke Zero from the Target check out lane is a perfectly suitable lunch.

3. Mini vans are the BEES KNEES! Buying a Honda Odyssey may have put me in debt for a few more years, but it also added some years back onto my life with those amazing sliding doors at the click of a button!

4. The fast food drive-thru was invented for mothers of babies, especially ones with multiple babies!

5. Sometimes going to bed hungry is just easier than the process of deciding on, making, and eating dinner with two fussy babies.

6. One of my greatest accomplishments in life (up there with finishing grad school and buying a home) is changing a screaming baby’s dirty diaper and then cleaning up a lotion explosion in the diaper bag, in a fitting room, while wearing a second screaming baby on my chest!

7. Sometimes you just have to say, “Screw what’s ‘proper’ for the kid, I’m going to do what’s easy right now!”

8. Betty Crocker was not a real woman, Betsy Ross didn’t have any children, and Martha Stewart is a felon.  I’m a rock star for keeping a slightly clean home, making mediocre meals, and dressing my daughters in cute clothes.

9. “Comparison is the thief of joy!” A wise mommy told me that this week and it’s so true. I am bad about comparing myself to other women, especially when it comes to my looks. It’s time to get over that and just be happy with being healthy.

10. The only people who eat faster than teachers are mothers of babies.

11. The most important thing I can do today is make G and O laugh!

12. Spit-up stains don’t make a shirt dirty… necessarily.

13. My once tan skin doesn’t naturally tan during the summer. I have to go outside… Who knew?

14. There is not a more supportive community than fellow moms! I’ve been blessed with tons of formula samples, extra diapers, coupons, as well as hand-me-down clothes and toys! I am so grateful for it all, but even more for the great friends!

15. Being stylish is for the birds (beautiful young birds with no chicks in their nest)! I’m lucky to be clean; forget the fancy stuff… like matching.

16. The things that I dreaded three months ago, I now look forward to.  Bath time and diaper changes are one-on-one time with my sweet little individuals.  I still don’t look forward to feedings, but we’ll get there.  Maybe.

17. Coffee can be warmed up a total of two times before it just isn’t worth it anymore.

18. Having twins didn’t turn me into a type A personality.  I think I’m even more laid back now.  We are all safe, healthy, and happy. Life is good.

19. This isn’t a realization but a challenge. Try carrying two Chicco carseats complete with three month olds on one arm.  ;)

20. Twins fascinate everyone, but children usually have more appropriate questions and responses than adults, surprisingly. Examples:
Adults- Twins? Boy and girl? Identical? How old? Oh, you’ve got your hands full. God bless you. Double Trouble!
Children- You have two babies? What’s that one’s name? And what’s that one’s name? I like your babies.

21. There is not much in the world that is sweeter than seeing G and O look around for each other, hold hands, smile at one another, or snuggle together. Tony says, "That's your best friend. Do you love her?"

22. God still keeps his promises.  For some reason, I realize this on an almost daily basis. You’d think I wouldn’t be so amazed by his goodness anymore, but he is just so full of surprises! Before we ever saw two babies on that ultrasound, I thought about having twins.  I decided it was better to not even think about that because there was no way we could ever make it financially with two babies. Well, God was serious when he told me that these baby girls are HIS and HE will take care of them!  The bills keep coming in, but PTL for a great insurance policy and me forgetting to use my flex card for the past 3 years! I’ve only had to pay about $600 out of pocket for the entire pregnancy, delivery, and now the girls’ doctor appts. And that just happens to be the amount that my disability insurance overpaid me for my maternity leave.  I even called them about it, and they admitted their mistake and said I didn’t need to pay it back!!!! He just keeps on showing me how he will continue to take care of us. I trust him!

Well, I’m going back to work in two weeks (pity party please) so I won’t be posting as often.  I will try to keep everyone updated though! You know the picture's won't stop. :)


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