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Showing posts from January, 2015

Current Events -20 Months

 It’s a snow day, finally! On this cold, cooped up pajama day, I am spending time watching the girls and thinking about how many new things they do everyday. I am terrible at remembering this stuff, and almost as terrible at writing it down. So, I decided to make an update blog that I can look back at, and anyone who is interested can check out to keep up with the current events with G and O. They are petite little ladies, with their 18 month pants falling to the floor. Georgia is doing all kinds of talking. She likes to repeat EVERYTHING, even “Nien, nien, NIEN!” from the Turbo Tax commercial. Olive tries to make us think that she can’t talk as much as Georgia, but we catch her slipping sometimes with some very well annunciated words including “TONY!”. They can say just about any word, if you can get them to participate and mimic you. They seem to understand just about everything we say, which is kind of scary! Here are some of their favorite sentences: “Wo...