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Showing posts from July, 2013

About Bottle-Feeding Moms

I judged them before.  I would think, ‘I wonder why they aren’t breastfeeding? Don’t they want what’s best for their baby?” Or, “She’s probably too selfish to make the sacrifice.” I made those judgments based solely on the experiences I was hoping to have breastfeeding my children.  Now, I’m on the other end.  I’ve been given backhanded compliments like, “Well, I’m sure you’ll still be a good mom.” Or pitiful encouragement like, “At least they got a little bit.” I know when women breastfeed in public, they wonder about who’s judging them for it and the stigma that is attached to it.  I worry the same things. I am ashamed to bottle-feed my girls in public because women may judge me for ‘not making the sacrifice’ or ‘not wanting what’s best for my babies’. I believe that there is a stigma attached to bottle-feeding just as badly as there is one for breastfeeding. I’ll give you a glimpse into my story, the not so lovely parts of my otherwise beautiful story about Georgia and O

20 Must Haves for the First Months

Things We Can't Live Without Right Now... (In no particular order) 1 Twin Pac N Play This thing is great! The girls sleep like babies in it. J   It is big enough for them to sleep in until they are several months old… or until I can handle putting them in their room. 2 Glow Worm and Glow Sea Horse I know the girls will love them for the glowing aspect some day, but I love them for that reason now. I can see each girlie’s face without turning on a bright light.  They fall asleep listening to the white noise. 3 Colic Calm We call this Baby Crack, The Good Stuff, or The Medicine! It is gripe water at its best! While researching it, there were a few negative comments about a sedative. It’s Lemon Balm people, which is considered a natural sedative because it is calming and relieves anxiety. I thought that was the whole point of gripe water… Anyway, thank the Lord that we’ve only needed to use it a handful of times. 4 Gerb