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Showing posts from March, 2016

I Wasn't Ready

I did’t see it coming. I had ignored the glaring warning signs. I thought I had time.  The other day I was walking down the hall, and I turned to see it behind me, following me… A LITTLE GIRL.  Olive was following me to the bathroom, and when I glanced back at her, I was shocked. The saying I have heard so many times became truth right before my eyes. They really do grow up too fast! So fast, one day you don’t even recognize them. At that moment, I didn’t see my chubby baby. I saw a tall lanky girl. I didn’t see sparse red fuzz on her little round head. I saw a mass of messy strawberry locks. I didn’t hear coos and giggles and baby jabber.  I clearly heard and understood, “Wait Mom. I need to use the potty too.” She was suddenly not a baby anymore. She had become a kid! It had seemingly happened over night.  Apparently, when I normally look at my girls, I must choose to see them as my cute little babies and refuse to see these big girls that they are becoming. They still often whine an