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Showing posts from May, 2014

Olive's First Birthday

Today, Olive Hadassah is one year old.  She is my baby baby, and that makes today a little bit harder than yesterday. I have to leave her a message (for both of our future selves) too. Ollie Sue, I love you! In the womb, you were laid back. You stayed on your side (my right side) and enjoyed nice long naps. At one ultrasound appointment, I actually had to get monitored for a few hours because you wouldn’t wake up and move around despite Georgia's persistent kicks. You were supposed to be born first, because you were larger (so you were originally Georgia), but you hung back and let Sissor go first. You were born at 12:52 AM on May 15, 2013 and became Olive.   You came into this life “sunny side up” or facing the world. That is the way you have taken on everything this year. Sunny side up, and facing it head on. You just do it! Go for it, without a second thought. And usually with a smile on your face. I love that about you. I got to hold you for...

Georgia's First Birthday

Today, Georgia Sophia is one year old.   I can’t believe this day is here. I’d like to give her the spotlight today and leave her a message (for whenever she might read or appreciate it). Georgia Lou, I love you. You gave me zero trouble during pregnancy, other than hiding for twenty weeks. And wanting to snuggle with your sister, which created a mound of baby on my side. You have always been small but feisty. In the womb, you were constantly moving and touching your sissy, your womb mate.   You were supposed to be born second because you were smaller (so you were originally Olive throughout my pregnancy), but you jumped ahead of your sister to join the world. You were born at 11:52 PM on May 14, 2013 and became Georgia. I cried when I saw you because I couldn’t believe how beautiful you were or that you were given to me! I don’t remember you crying though. I think you were just quietly curious, taking everything in. That hasn’t changed. I...

The Problem With Smart Kids

Some made up statements, but close to things I’ve heard before: “My mom said I’m too smart for homework.” “She is throwing things because she is too smart for this. She is bored.” “Only geniuses get into that kind of trouble.” As a new mom, I have started to ponder where this problem with using intelligence as an excuse starts. I think it starts with a sweet baby just learning and discovering a new world, and a family that is very proud.   People have approached me about forcing my children into ‘advanced development’, mentioned that they are behind because they are twins or because they are preemies, said “They aren’t walking yet? Baby Dreidel was walking when she was 3 months old” (that’s a totally made up quote), and asked me what I’m doing to MAKE them start walking or talking or painting landscapes or whatever. I feel like it’s all a big competition over who has the smartest kids. And I think that it all starts in an innocent desire for a child to be and have good t...