Today, Georgia Sophia is one year old. I can’t believe this day is here. I’d like to
give her the spotlight today and leave her a message (for whenever she might
read or appreciate it).
Georgia Lou, I love you.
You gave me zero trouble during pregnancy, other than hiding
for twenty weeks. And wanting to snuggle with your sister, which created a
mound of baby on my side.
You have always been small but feisty. In the womb, you were
constantly moving and touching your sissy, your womb mate.
You were supposed to be born second because you were smaller
(so you were originally Olive throughout my pregnancy), but you jumped ahead of
your sister to join the world. You were born at 11:52 PM on May 14, 2013 and
became Georgia. I cried when I saw you because I couldn’t believe how beautiful
you were or that you were given to me! I don’t remember you crying though. I
think you were just quietly curious, taking everything in. That hasn’t changed.
I think your love language is physical touch.
For months, you always wanted to be near, touch, hold hands
with, or snuggle your sister. You act like the motherly older sister in that
way. You want to take care of Olive. I
still catch you reaching for her, or feeding her fruit loops. You get up-close
and personal with the people you love, face on face. You like to crawl to
Mommy, climb up into her lap, and hang out. You love to attack your stuffed
Curious George with hugs and kisses.
You are stubborn.
You want to feed yourself and will only attempt to walk on
your own terms.
You are sensitive and emotional.
You are pretty patient and content, but when you have had
enough you let everyone know. You can throw that head back and scream like a
You think things through.
You stop and think about everything, whether it be where a
stream of light is coming from or how you are going to get down from a standing
position. I think you end up with more bumps and bruises because you overthink
things and end up getting hurt trying to bail on an idea.
You like to collect little things. When we are outside, you
end up with two fists full of individually selected pieces of mulch. Inside,
you will pick up small items from around the house and just carry them around
all day.
You are sweet.
You give the best slobbery kisses, all over my face. You
also make me feel so loved when you crawl over and lay your head on me.
You are sooo good to me.
You play and explore all day. You dance and talk and squeal
and laugh. You lay down and sing yourself to sleep. You try so hard to sleep through
your sister’s wee morning screamfests. You wake up in the morning and talk or
play with Olive in your cribs.
Right now, you love:
Banana Pancakes
Collecting sticks and mulch in the yard
Dumping fruit loops on the floor
Taking a bath
Letting the vent blow cold air on your face
Saying “I did it!” when you do something awesome, like
climbing the porch steps
Chasing or getting chased across the couch
Laughing with and at your sister
Playing Peekaboo and saying “There she is!”
Dancing to Rebel Rouser, Jack Johnson, and Avett Brothers
Choo Choo Soul on Disney
I can’t believe it has been a year since you made me a
Mommy. I thank God in amazement every day for putting you in my life. Happy
Birthday, my sweet!
Happy Birthday Georgia!!