Today, Olive Hadassah is one year old. She is my baby baby, and that makes today a
little bit harder than yesterday. I have to leave her a message (for both of
our future selves) too.
Ollie Sue, I love you!
In the womb, you were laid back. You stayed on your side (my
right side) and enjoyed nice long naps. At one ultrasound appointment, I actually
had to get monitored for a few hours because you wouldn’t wake up and move
around despite Georgia's persistent kicks.
You were supposed to be born first, because you were larger
(so you were originally Georgia), but you hung back and let Sissor go first. You
were born at 12:52 AM on May 15, 2013 and became Olive. You came into this life “sunny side up” or
facing the world. That is the way you have taken on everything this year. Sunny
side up, and facing it head on. You just do it! Go for it, without a second
thought. And usually with a smile on your face. I love that about you.
I got to hold you for a few moments after you were born and
I didn’t want to let you go. We just stared at each other.
I think your love language is gifts. As soon as you see someone (friend or stranger), you look for something to give them. When you are given something (or even better, when you find something), it is like you have been digging your entire little life and you just found the buried treasure! You can't contain your excitement over it. Even if it is a sticker or a piece of dog food.
You are all about adventure and fun.
You think new things and accomplishments are hilarious, like
taking your first steps or stealing your sissy’s paci. You search the hallway for
a door you can push open to a forbidden room. You think it is hysterical when I
say, “Get back here!” You usually squeal and take off the other direction. You have taken a few steps, but nobody is quite ready for a walking/running Olive.
You are pretty easy going.
You like to wave to Mommy and Daddy, but you don’t usually
need to be held or coddled. You would rather us get down on the floor and chase
you around.
You are a copycat.
If we say “No,” you say it too and shake your head. You do the same thing with “Yes,” clicking
your tongue, monkey noises, and anything else you can mimic.
You are a great eater!
You love almost everything. Even dirt. I can’t wait to see
you dig into your giant birthday cupcake!
You are sugary sweet and super silly.
You wrap those chubby little arms around my neck, open your
mouth, and rub your teeth on my cheeks. When you hear “Ooh ooh aah aah,” or
“Where’s you monkey?” you start looking for your stuffed Curious George to tackle
with kisses.
You are Daddy’s Little Helper.
You want to be involved in whatever he is doing, whether
building a garden, checking an email, making a fire in the fireplace, or eating
ice cream.
You break my heart while sleep.
You have what I am learning are night terrors. You wake
everyone else up, screaming as if you are scared or hurt. However, you don’t wake
up or remember these traumatic moments the next morning. We are figuring out
how to deal with these stressful but harmless frustrations.
You are an awesome girl!
You are easy and fun and so cute that I can’t even handle it
Right now, you love:
![]() |
29.5 inches and 20 lbs of lovin! |
String cheese
Any food, really
eating fruit loops straight off the floor or out of
Georgia’s hand
Taking a bath
Unplugging things
Pushing buttons
Sharing whatever you are holding with whomever you see
Flint (your doggie… although he doesn’t reciprocate the
Nodding and shaking your head
Holding up anything that you think you have discovered and
squealing in delight
Flipping, rolling, and crashing into sissy on the couch
Whatever your daddy is doing
Being cheered on while you attempt walking
You were surely heaven sent, and I thank God for blessing me
with such an awesome babe! Happy Birthday, my beautiful little wild animal!
Happy Birthday Olive!!! :)