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What Will They Be?

  Adulthood is so far away for my 16 month old girls, but I pray for that distant future, and I wonder…

What might they be?


Olive is so loving and affectionate. Maybe she will be a missionary (I’m hoping that she will so she can take me along J), spreading God’s love that spills through her life. 

She is also quite an adventurous dare-devil. Maybe she will be the youngest American Ninja Warrior. I joked the other day that she should have been born in the early 70s so she could have been on American Gladiators. Her Gladiator name (given by Tony) is Ice Chip.

She is also incredibly strong, pushing around tables and carrying bags, pumpkins, anything that she can grip with her chubby little hands. Maybe she’ll be a fitness guru. She is now taking on clients as a Baby Cross Fit trainer.

She is optimistic and peaceful…usually.  She brushes off just about everything and trucks on.  She will have joy in whatever she does in her life.

She is super duper friendly! She waves at and says “Haaa” to every person, animal, and tree limb she sees. She will have great relationship skills. She will also probably be able to beat her husband at arm wrestling, so I pray he is not to sensitive about that.


Georgia is an entertainer. She loves to sing, dance, make faces, and make people laugh. She is also a drama queen. She would make a great actress! She has already had many Emmy worthy performances.

She is also a picker and a collector like her Daddio. Just today, she picked up every red leaf from the van to the front door. No yellows, oranges, browns, or greens. She held on to those red leaves until naptime.  She also loves mulch, cherry tomatoes from the garden, lids and sticks. Maybe she’ll be on Antique’s Roadshow one day… please Lord, no.

She is quite observant. She mimics every sound (especially ones made by her sister), points out every movement from a breeze outside, and predicts who is pulling in the driveway, opening the door, or walking down the hall. She could be a great spy or detective! I pray her husband learns to appreciate this quality.

She is very safety focused. She gets a little nervous when she catches her sister doing wild things, and she gets pretty scared when she is coaxed into doing the same stunts. She will make a great mommy.

She is persistent.  Whatever she does in her life, she will not give up easily.  I hope that this great trait sticks and grows with faith.  She will be the one saying, “All things are possible, but Olive that doesn’t look safe…”


It’s so exciting to see personalities develop and change and grow.  Not that I want them to grow up any time soon (or ever), but I am excited to see the great things they accomplish in their lives. I pray for their future, that whatever their lives hold, they will love the world with God’s love and see the world through his eyes. It’s never too early for that.


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