I've been cooped up in the house for the majority of this week with Strep Throat and then with three snow days and a pretty snowy Saturday. It's been a pretty delightful break from work and daycare, other than the coughing and snotting and refusing to nap. I've gotten to spend lots of quality time with my little cheese balls as well as watch and listen in on their personal arguments, discussions, role playing, and problem solving (in totally wonder and amazement, and while totally biting my tongue to keep form laughing out loud). I've tried to keep some of these little scenarios listed in the notes on my phone so that I could compile them and share them. I'm sure I'm missing a lot and some are just those "You gotta be there" moments, but here you go...
While playing with play dough:
G- I'll be back.
O- See ya.
G- Keep it clean.
O- Okay Georgie Porgie.
G- I'm back. It's your happy birthday. (G hands O an blob of play dough)
O- OH MY BROTHER! It's my birthday? Thank you! (pretends to eat the blob)
Playing with dinosaur stickers with Daddy:
G- Tara dak tall (points at random dinosaur)
O- Stegga sore us (points at another random dinosaur)
G- Sara tops (knows this one)
Daddy leads chant of Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, Dimetrodon, T Rex and the girls continue saying these all afternoon in random conversations.
Random conversation:
G- You're a kid
O- I not a kid! I a guuur.
G- I'ms a kid!
O- No! All the kids in school. We stayed home today!
G- Oh.
From the Lives of Georgia and Olive at 2 years and 8 months
(Yes, that means they are going to be THREE soon. It's just not fair.)
Olive's usual prayer: Thank you Goddess for this _______. Amen. (She's made a blended name for God and Jesus)
Olive comes running to me in the Kitchen with watering eyes and a red face: I frow upped from Georgie Porgie's snotters. (She actually had vomited from seeing Georgia blow her nose.)
Georgia after coughing about 20 times in a row: You hear that music?
Georgia, every time she puts on dress up clothes: Don't pull on my earrings! (she has no earrings, but she apparently thinks they are very fancy.)
Olive every few minutes after I was sick for a few days: Mommy your back hurt? No? Your throat hurt? No? Your head hurt? No? You feel better? Yeah? Okay.
Olive walking around singing nonstop: There was a farmer had a dog and E I E I O because the Bible tells me so. (The girl loves to sing but she has her mother's inability to remember any lyrics.)
Georgia holding a big toy Triceratops: This is my baby. He's sleepy. His name is Little Buddy.
Olive when Daddy came in the room from a long trip to the bathroom: Good Job, Dad!
A pretend fight:
G- That's not a marker, Ollie.
O- Well, you're a marker.
G- You're a samwich.
O- No I not a samwich. I will mark you. (touched G with a pair of sunglasses)
G- No way Jose. I'm making coffee.
O- YOU DON'T MAKE COFFEE! It's gonna burn you.
Olive comes running to me in the Kitchen with watering eyes and a red face: I frow upped from Georgie Porgie's snotters. (She actually had vomited from seeing Georgia blow her nose.)
Georgia after coughing about 20 times in a row: You hear that music?
Georgia, every time she puts on dress up clothes: Don't pull on my earrings! (she has no earrings, but she apparently thinks they are very fancy.)
Olive every few minutes after I was sick for a few days: Mommy your back hurt? No? Your throat hurt? No? Your head hurt? No? You feel better? Yeah? Okay.
Olive walking around singing nonstop: There was a farmer had a dog and E I E I O because the Bible tells me so. (The girl loves to sing but she has her mother's inability to remember any lyrics.)
Georgia holding a big toy Triceratops: This is my baby. He's sleepy. His name is Little Buddy.
Olive when Daddy came in the room from a long trip to the bathroom: Good Job, Dad!
A pretend fight:
G- That's not a marker, Ollie.
O- Well, you're a marker.
G- You're a samwich.
O- No I not a samwich. I will mark you. (touched G with a pair of sunglasses)
G- No way Jose. I'm making coffee.
O- YOU DON'T MAKE COFFEE! It's gonna burn you.
While playing with play dough:
G- I'll be back.
O- See ya.
G- Keep it clean.
O- Okay Georgie Porgie.
G- I'm back. It's your happy birthday. (G hands O an blob of play dough)
O- OH MY BROTHER! It's my birthday? Thank you! (pretends to eat the blob)
Playing with dinosaur stickers with Daddy:
G- Tara dak tall (points at random dinosaur)
O- Stegga sore us (points at another random dinosaur)
G- Sara tops (knows this one)
Daddy leads chant of Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, Dimetrodon, T Rex and the girls continue saying these all afternoon in random conversations.
Random conversation:
G- You're a kid
O- I not a kid! I a guuur.
G- I'ms a kid!
O- No! All the kids in school. We stayed home today!
G- Oh.
A conversation between G and Daddy about the basement (where they aren't allowed to go normally):
G- Can I go down there?
D- Ask Mommy.
G- I'm gonna go ask my mom. Hold this. (Hands him her play dough and walks to basement door.)
D- She's not down there.
G- Yeah, my mom is down there.
Myself: I'm right here in front of you!!
G- Oh... can I go down there?
I'm not sure if these funny moments really translate to a blog, but I am constantly entertained by these crazy heads!
G- Can I go down there?
D- Ask Mommy.
G- I'm gonna go ask my mom. Hold this. (Hands him her play dough and walks to basement door.)
D- She's not down there.
G- Yeah, my mom is down there.
Myself: I'm right here in front of you!!
G- Oh... can I go down there?
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