I have always been big on traditions, and Tony is even more adamant. When he likes something, he always says "We should do this every year/month/week." Since we've been married, we have established many; matching shirt fall family photo, big Christmas breakfast, watching fireworks from our backyard, meatball Monday, crazy Christmas card photo...
So, the girls are three this year and they are old enough to keep the memories we make this Christmas. That coupled with the fact that all our family is too far away for easy visits, I want to establish some fun (affordable and EASY) Christmas traditions that we can enjoy for years to come. I'm not looking for Pinterest-Worthy recipes and activities for every day of December, just some things to look forward to every year.
Here are my ideas so far:
Cinda the Christmas Angel- She comes in early December to remind us of the love and joy Jesus brought to the world. She leaves messages each day of kind things we can do for others. The girls love looking for Cinda and her "meshage." This leads to many other great traditions too, like buying gifts for a Tree Star child, making cards for family members, giving gifts to teachers, cleaning out the play room and donating some toys, etc.

Family Shopping Night- This evening, we are going to Target. We will all get our favorite drink at Starbucks, then split up. Olive and I will shop for Georgia and Daddy, and vice versa. Then we will come home wrap the gifts, and promptly exchange and open them! Because, let's face it, they are not going to wait until Christmas.
Polar Express Night- chocolate everything with the movie and pajamas
Home Alone Night- of course, cheese pizza, Pepsi (I guess :/) and all the quotes. "Santi don't visit the funeral home, little buddy."
Christmas Eve gift- new pajamas, a movie, and movie snacks. This year it will be The Grinch who Stole Christmas. We might also bake some green sugar cookies to enjoy with the movie.

Christmas Light Drive About- We did this last year on a whim, but we might try to be more prepared (and warmer) this time. We will take the girls out to eat, then come home through all the neighborhoods with the best lights. We will have blankets ready and maybe get some hot cocoa and cookies to-go for dessert . We drive through the neighborhoods real slow with the van's sliding doors open, so they get the full light show experience. :)
Christmas Day Agenda- It's honestly been a bit of a lonely day the past few years. We want the girls to have memories and consistency of being at home on Christmas, but we end up just sitting around and watching other families enjoy the day via facebook and instagram. So, this year we are starting a structured Christmas Day to make sure we enjoy the day and no fb or instagram...
-The birth of Jesus from the Jesus story book Bible
-Big breakfast
-Big nap :)
-Go to the movies (we can't wait to see Sing)
-Bake a birthday cake for Jesus (Cinda's last message), sing Happy Birthday, and then eat it for dinner!
-Watch It's a Wonderful Life (this has been my own tradition for a few years and I'll keep it even if no one else joins me).
If you have some family traditions that keep your family joyful, giving, and spending quality time together at this time of year, please share them with me. Merry Christmas, friends!
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