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The Mommy Riddle

This is my adaptation to the duck, fox, corn riddle. I feel like I’m trying to solve a similar version of it all day long.

-You have a toddler who is walking but not in any directed manner.

-You have a second toddler who is also walking but falling down quite a bit still.

-You have a giant bag that includes all of your baby needs and maybe your wallet and sunglasses if you are lucky.

-You have a destination (mini-van/stroller/store/house/anywhere you need to go).

-You can only take one of your three things to this destination at a time, leaving two together. 

-The problem is…
*If left together, Baby A will bite Baby B and then run away.
Baby B will cry and attempt to strangle Baby A.

*If left with the bag, Baby B will dump it out and break your sunglasses.
She will then drag the extra clothes across the room and lay them on the dog.

*If left with the bag, Baby A will climb into it and poop.  
She will then try to get out, but trip on the handles of the bag and fall on her forehead.

*If left alone, Baby A will scream until she has lost her voice and rub snot in her hair.

*If left alone, Baby B will take off her shoes and vomit in both of them.

*If left alone, the bag will completely vanish.

So, how do you get everything to the destination?

If you can solve this riddle, you MAY be able to handle two kids…
But once you get both kids and your bag of essentials to your destination, you must choose between the following 8 riddles;

-How to feed multiple children and eat at the same time
-How to change a toddler’s diaper while blocking dresser drawers with both legs
-How to use the bathroom by yourself without any one getting hurt
-How to grocery shop with two cart riders
-How to play outside with multiple toddlers doing multiple things in multiple places
-How to drive while entertaining
-How to complete household chores in complete silence
-How to bathe, dry, and dress multiple children before getting poop everywhere

Really, it’s never ending. I wake up in a cold sweat sometimes, dreaming about these scenarios. But you know what they say… two are better than one "What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger". Right? Well, I love these feisty little things more than any lazy afternoon on the couch I've missed in the last year! I'll take their craziness any day.


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