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Georgia is Two

My Dearest Georgia,

Can you believe that it has been two years since you came into the world?! It seems like yesterday that I was so shocked and sleep deprived from your arrival and new life. It seems like yesterday that you fit in my hand, just one hand! It seems like yesterday that you pooped on the wall (and my face), and then spit up almost every bottle in entirety for eight months.

In the past year, you have grown and developed and astonished me.  I want you to know what you were like at two years old. You will ask me one day, and even though you are amazing and unforgettable, I’m not going to remember these special little details about you that are fresh in my mind now.

You love to play. You are a mommy to many many babies, who cry and whine and poop and get hungry. You ask for “fwiends” to play with all the time.  You like to jump and run and scream and laugh. You enjoy being outside, picking flowers, sliding, swinging and going for walks (which means running to the neighbors’ houses and playing on their porches). You have an amazing imagination; you can be a mean dragon, a sad baby, a flying birdie, a sleepy yawning Georgia, or a swimming fishy. Along with that great ability to pretend comes a bit of drama.

You are all about collecting. Sometimes you look like a bag lady, with all your purses and bags and “stuss”.  You go through more pairs of shoes in one day than most two year olds go through in a month. You like to “cwean” and you do not like to be “messy”. Bath time is your favorite time. As soon as you hear the word bath, you are naked and running to the tub! You like to wash yourself, your sister, your toys and the tub itself.

You hate vegetables, and usually won’t try any new foods until Olive has taste-tested it and approved. You love over-easy eggs, cheese, pasta, and of course, cookies.

You are the big sister, and can be pretty bossy. You like to tell Olive what to do and wag your finger at her when she does something you don’t like.  You also like to cheer her on and give her big hugs and kisses and ride her like a horsey.

You like to test your boundaries. When you're told "No", you give that "Oh really?" smile and keep going. The threat of time out usually stops you, but if not, you are terrified of silly string. So, we keep it handy for emergencies.

You are currently a Daddy’s girl, and ask for him when things aren’t going your way (He’s a pushover!). You are still a physical touch kind of girl. You like to rub Olive’s back and tell her, “Iss kay,” when she is sad. You like to hold my hand or rub my arm while we watch “toons” together. You will even grab my hand and put it on your leg or back to be rubbed. You still like to get up close and personal with the people you love. You have this little game where you push your face (every inch of it) as hard as you can against my lips, until the entire thing has been completely and thoroughly kissed.

For your first year and half, you were a bit difficult. Now though, you have become my easy-going girl. You go with the flow normally, and are excited to wear whatever clothes you see, excited to go where ever that big silver van might take you, and excited to play with all types of friends.

You are a big talker, answering for yourself and even for Olive at times. Here are some of your favorite things to say:
Wakie wakie Owwiie! (early in the morning)
Read a book
I’m baking
I’m cweaning
I’ll be right back! Wub ya. Bye. See Ya!
I’m sweepy
I’m grumpy
I’m cranky
That’s funny
Mmmmm. awichious. (delicious)
That’s tasty
I don’t wike it.
Come on, Owwiiee!

Happy Birthday to my Georgie Lou. You made me a mommy, and I am so thankful to God for you. Also, you look like me. That’s pretty cool too. ;)

I love you so much. I don’t think there is a single thing that could make me love you more.

Yours, forever and ever,



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