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Second Birthday Party Animals

We partied hard on Saturday, and plan to party all week for the big #2! The theme was PARTY ANIMALS, and it was so fun to plan. That might be my third calling (after mommying and teaching),  kid's birthday party planning.
the invite- minus the rsvp number and address

a spot for all the "prizes" (Everything they got for their birthday is now called party _____ . Party shoes, party seats, party purse, party babies)

sweet treats- animal crackers, iced animal cookies, chocolate teddy grahams

cheesy treats- buttery popcorn (not an animal, but whatever) and goldfish

the watering hole

strawberry marshmallow cupcakes

... with sprinkles and iced animal crackers

butterfly PB and Js

We have so much stuff left over! I just ate two cupcakes for dinner.

we had a coloring station, tattoo station, and animal masks

and a chalkboard (chalkboard wrapping paper :)

the bounce house is always a hit

Olive trying to convince Luke to get in

Asher having a "ball"

cooling off with the sprinkler

Georgia loves her cousin Dylan

Daniel, Asher, and Olive playing in the water- mostly splashing and drinking it

Tony finally finished the stone patio! Yay! It's a birthday miracle.

my little animals

popsicles and cupcakes

party animals

"Why so serious?" -The Joker (Olive)

Georgia totally ignoring Asher's attempt at a kiss

they had to put on their new shirts and shoes as soon as they saw them

no more sliding down the sidewalk or lawnchair

The girls loved having their cousin Riley all to themselves for the night.

Olive loves to share everything.... except cookies. Sorry Luke.

Tony, bouncing the babies

Thank you to all who came and celebrated with us! I know toddler birthday parties aren't any adult's favorite place to spend a Saturday but I think the kids had a great time.

I'll be posting a bit of a personal update for each of my wild little party animals on their birthdays. Stay tuned. :)


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